To whom inventions may concern
Glaucoma Glasses

Ahmed Badawy

The special    invented   glasses

 Problems to solve by the invention

Merits and advantages of the invention


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 The special invented glasses
    The present invention relates to the use of Special Compound Lenses to overcome the
     handicapping  that results from Visual Field Constriction in advanced glaucoma and similar diseases. 

    Examples of carrying out the invention are
    described in details as follows: 

    1.Special compound lenses are used having
    specific focal lengths and arrangement. 

    2.The system is incorporated in a visualization unit. 

    3.The visualization unit is mounted to a glass
    frame or to a headband. 
                                                            4.Addition of a freely mobile magnifying lens in front of the visualization unit enables the user to control the visual field and to increase his central acuity. 

    The system can also be used as a Tele-Lens
    for those patients with Poor Central  Vision,
    as a Low-Visual Aid. 

Patent Application No.: 1997080878 
Cairo Conference 1998 
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Indirect opthalmoscopes
Driver's License for Color Blind
Audio Tactile Visual System
Moon Self Rotation
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